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Jan 1, 2022
5 min read

Creating on the Cardano blockchain

So you are ready to create your very first NFT (and possibly list it for sale). It is actually quite simple, so let’s get straight into it.

Minting your NFT

First, look for ‘’Creators’’ on the top right of and then click ‘’Create your Collection’’

Now you will be taken to this page and choose ‘’Create Single NFT’’
If you are creating an entirely new NFT that is not a part of any existing collection, choose ‘’Create new Policy ID’’. If it is already an existing collection you want to add more artwork to, choose ‘’Add to existing Policy ID’’.
Now you have reached the most important part, setting up your collection! So in order to mint a single NFT, it will always be a part of a collection, even if it consists of only one NFT. So you will set up your collection page first and then you will set up the individual NFT as well, as a part of the collection. Let’s go!
Here you can personalize your collection. Enter a catchy name and a short description. Then attach files for the profile image and a banner.

You can also add an address if you would like to receive the royalties(it’s optional, up to you) and the percentage of royalties.

Don’t forget to add all your social links as well too, so people can be guided from the marketplace to your community.

Then press save and you will be required to sign using your wallet password.

For this demonstration, we used Nami Wallet, but others are also acceptable. Eternl, Flint, etc.


After signing you will see this pop-up:

Congratulations, your collection is live!
Now that you have set up the collection, we can get to asset creation. Enter the name, and description of the asset, then attach the image.

After this, move to the metadata section. You can add many property names, to include as much information about your project as possible. The simplest one would be ‘’artist name’’ and as property value put the actual artist name. In this part, you can also mention your website and social links. When you are done, press ’’Mint NFT’’, you will have to sign with your wallet again and pay a small fee (1ADA+ small network fee, usually around .2 ADA), and then you are done! You should see this screen:


Listing your NFT for sale:

When you go to your profile, Under “My NFTs” you will see the minted NFT, now press ‘’Sell NFT’’

You will see this pop-up. Enter the price and you will automatically see your earnings after the service fee. When you are sure, press ‘’Send listing’’

You will be asked to sign with your wallet one more time and that’s it!

This is what you should see:

Congratulations, you have minted and listed your first NFT!

We also have a video covering this subject, here is the link:

Puffy.jpg profile image
Written ByPuffy.jpgIllustrator at JPG Store
I love to draw(especially hippos!) and write about Cardano. I am passionate about sharing knowledge in a way that is easy to understand and encouraging, so more people could learn about it and join the space!
profile pic


To connect this profile to your JPG Store mobile app:

1. Open the JPG Store app on your phone

2. Go to your Profile tab

3. Tap on Scan QR Code

4. Point your phone to the QR code to scan it

Sign with your wallet to generate QR code

Don't have the app? Use the links below to download
