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Vintage Collection 2020 by Uzoma Samuel Anyanwu. One ofNigeria’s most innovative master painters, Uzoma SamuelAnyanwu is a prolific artist and photographer who inspiresviewers by continually revolutionizing African fine art. Uzomawas born in the IMO State and graduated from the Department ofFine Art and Design, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State,Nigeria. Uzoma’s unique style of portraiture displays hisexacting expertise and artistic brilliance. His rigorous methodinvolves placing pieces of textile on the canvas, ultimatelymatching colors, shapes and textures to create strikinglybeautiful facial images. Uzoma’s approach to art was inspiredby his mother, who worked as a seamstress. As a young boy, Uzomaplayed with the discarded scraps of her sewing. This was hisfirst contact with fabric, the medium that he would explore foryears to come. Uzoma is a member of the Society of NigerianArtist (SNA) and currently lives and works in Lagos State,Nigeria.

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