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Courtship by Silas Adelanke Adeoye. Silas Adelanke Adeoye wasborn in Osun State, the South-Western part of Nigeria, in 1962.He took to fine art early, experimenting with various ideas andcoming up with innovative techniques before even starting hisprimary education. He largely developed as an artist by himself,later joining a group of young, prominent artists at theNational Museum, Lagos. His works represent a continuation inthe tradition of Yoruba Art, recognizable by his choice ofpigment to suit each motif. Visual art, in the historic Yorubasetting, was generally restricted to the courts of the kings andchiefs, and to religious houses. Silas believes that it is theresponsibility of the modern artist to extend the enjoyment ofthis unique form of expression to a far broader audience in amanner that music and poetry, are today. Adeoye uses thetechnique of pointillism exclusively in his work, a techniquethat is utilized by few contemporary artists.

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